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Registration for the 6-Week Belly Fat Breakthrough Ends In...

Want a Simple Plan to Shed Your Stubborn Belly Fat...

Without Dieting or Deprivation?

Get a FAILPROOF SYSTEM that shows you step-by-step how to BREAK your cycles of emotional eating and ELIMINATE chronic inflammation from your body, so you can SHED your excess belly fat SAFELY, EASILY and PERMANENTLY.

Does Any of This Sound Like You?

You’ve NEVER been able to lose your excess belly fat NO MATTER WHAT you do.

You’ve lost belly fat in the past, but you’ve GAINED it back (and them some) and you’re STRUGGLING to SHED the unwanted pounds.

You’ve hit a PLATEAU. You feel like you’re STUCK at a certain size or weight.

You feel like you have a mental BLOCK. You know WHAT to do to the lose the excess belly fat but you’re NOT doing it - there’s something standing in the way of you taking CONSISTENT action and you DON’T know exactly what it is, so you feel like you have a mental block that’s HOLDING YOU back.

You just want a SIMPLE plan of action, support, and accountability to help you get out of your OWN way and get RESULTS.

If you said “YES” to any of these statements, then you’re in the RIGHT place!

Over the last 15 years, I’ve helped thousands of women like you gain the CLARITY, DIRECTION and TOOLS you need to BREAK your cycles of emotional eating and ELIMINATE chronic inflammation from your body, so you can SHED your excess belly fat SAFELY, EASILY and PERMANENTLY.

That’s why I’d like to personally invite you to join me and a small group of like-minded women to turn your fat loss goals into real RESULTS.

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I Know What It’s Like to Feel Confused, Overwhelmed and Frustrated!

About 16 years ago, I had my own “health crisis.”

Here’s what was going on with me...

I was TIRED all the time.

I had chronic DIGESTIVE PROBLEMS like constipation, gas, and bloating. (My doctor diagnosed me with “IBS.”)

I had constant ACNE and dry, ITCHY skin.

I had severe BODY ODOR and a SWEATING problem.

I had daily BRAIN FOG - I couldn’t focus at all!

My sleep was constantly DISRUPTED. (I woke up four to five times a night.)

I had CHRONIC hip, back and shoulder PAIN.

I had insatiable CRAVINGS and felt HUNGRY all the time.

I had severe mental/emotional IMBALANCES - I was moody, irritable and depressed.

I had severe PMS.

I got SICK easily with colds every fall and winter.

I was GAINING WEIGHT. (I ranged from being 10-15 pounds over my ideal weight.)

I felt CONFUSED, OVERWHELMED and FRUSTRATED as I desperately tried to figure how to get my health and weight on the right track.

Like you, I’ve tried it all...

Drinking protein shakes

Eating “low-calorie,” “low-fat” and “non-fat” pre-packaged “health” foods and snacks

Counting calories

Cutting out “carbs”

Following exercise DVDs at home and lifting weights at the gym

Working with personal trainers, nutrition practitioners, and naturopaths to get “expert” advice

But despite my best efforts, I didn’t feel any better. In fact, I only felt WORSE.

In all honestly, I felt like a FAILURE.

I desperately wanted a “plan” that would work for me and keep me motivated.

And after many years of struggle, I came to the realization that I had to do something DIFFERENT. I knew that I had to go beyond the stereotypical “health” information that I was learning from the mainstream health and weight loss programs and so-called “experts."

Because I did EVERYTHING they told me to do and NOTHING worked.

So, I decided to take my health in my own hands and learn the TRUTH about holistic health, nutrition, and fitness.

And after getting certified as a Personal Trainer, Holistic Health Coach, Metabolic Typing Nutrition Advisor and Integrative Medicine Health Coach, I finally discovered the pieces I was MISSING and what I was doing WRONG.

Most importantly, I learned how to use a HOLISTIC, ROOT-CAUSE approach to address my health challenges.

I realize now, it WASN'T MY FAULT that I wasn’t seeing results. I was just following BAD information.

I had finally learned the right tools that I needed to turn my health around. But there was a problem…

I was experiencing INFORMATION OVERLOAD!!

Learning all this new information felt like trying to drink water from a fire hydrant. Can you relate?

I didn’t know how to take all of the information I was learning and put it together into an actionable plan. And let’s face it, information is USELESS unless it’s ACTIONABLE!

So, I took what I learned from my advanced certifications, and I extracted the KEY tools and information that I needed to achieve the results I wanted. And over time, I created my own systems to follow.

As a result of using my own systems, I’ve been able to reverse EVERY SINGLE ONE of my health issues.

And I feel BETTER now in my 40s than I did in my 20s!

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Here’s where I am today...

FULL of energy

NO digestive problems

Cravings and hunger pangs are GONE

CLEAR and radiant skin

Thinking CLEARLY

Sleeping GREAT

NEVER get sick

Body pain is GONE

Hormones are more BALANCED (no more PMS!)

IDEAL body size

I now know that my health issues were related to TOXICITY, INFLAMMATION and EMOTIONAL EATING.

I achieved these results because I chose to take a whole NEW approach and go BEYOND the mainstream, stereotypical health and weight loss information, and instead, take a HOLISTIC, ROOT-CAUSE approach.

I not sharing my personal story with you to be boastful. (In fact, I’m someone who really doesn’t like talking about herself.) I’m only sharing it with you to let you know two important things:

1. I understand exactly how you’re feeling and what you’re going through.

2. I can show you exactly what it takes to turn things around.

The bottom line is this: I’ve not only done it myself, but I’ve also taught many other women to do it. And I know with certainty that if you want it bad enough, you can do it too!

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What Exactly is the 6-Week Belly Fat Breakthrough Program?

The 6-Week Belly Fat Breakthrough is a failproof system that shows you step-by-step how to BREAK your cycles of emotional eating and ELIMINATE chronic inflammation from your body, so you can SHED your excess belly fat SAFELY, EASILY and PERMANENTLY.

This is a very personalized, hands-on, small group coaching program, where you get to work with me PERSONALLY.

Due to the nature of this program, there are only a LIMITED number of spots available.

To weed out the people who are serious about participating from those who are only mildly interested, I’m going to give you the most important details you need to know about the program, so you can decide if we’re the right fit.

I want to be honest: The program will challenge you, but we’re in this TOGETHER. I walk you through everything, step by step. And you get real-time feedback and live coaching.

I know for sure that this program will make your life A LOT easier than if you tried to figure it out all out on your own.

If you’re not seeing the weight loss results you want, let me be frank: More of the SAME thinking and habits equals more of the SAME results. If you truly want to LOSE your excess weight and have THRIVING health for the LONGTERM, you must develop the RIGHT MINDSET and HABITS.

If you follow the plan that I’ve laid out for you, you will RADICALLY TRANSFORM your relationship with food, your weight, and your life.

Here’s what you’ll discover with the 4-Step Belly Fat Breakthrough Plan:

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Step 1: Uncover the NEGATIVE, SELF-LIMITING Messages That Are BLOCKING You from Losing Body Fat

Achieving your fat loss goals STARTS with REMOVING your MENTAL BLOCKS.

You will NOT be successful until you get in the RIGHT MINDSET.

In the first week we uncover the HIDDEN SABOTAGING stories that are currently HOLDING YOU BACK.

We create a system to RE-TRAIN your brain to BUST these SELF-LIMITING beliefs and create NEW, POSITIVE thought patterns that SUPPORT your fat loss goals.

When you develop the RIGHT thought patterns, fat loss becomes EFFORTLESS, you ACCELERATE your RESULTS, and you MAINTAIN them for LIFE!

By the time you’re done, you’ll know how to OVERCOME any negative, self-limiting belief that’s holding you back, and you’ll feel TOTALLY CONFIDENT in your ability to become the HEALTHIEST version of yourself!

By the time you’re done, you’ll know EXACTLY which foods to eat and which ones to AVOID to LOSE your excess body fat (and KEEP IT OFF), have more ENERGY, think more CLEARY, and stay FREE of aches and pains.

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Step 2: Discover Your UNIQUE Metabolic Nutritional Needs to Create PERSONALIZED Balanced Meals

We all need to eat the macronutrients (proteins, fats and carbohydrates), but what amounts, and ratios are IDEAL for YOU to BALANCE your blood sugar and hormones, REDUCE chronic inflammation, and ELIMINATE unwanted body fat?

It’s NOT about counting calories or exact grams of proteins, fats and carbohydrates - it’s about learning how to eat INTUITIVELY.

You’ll learn how to LISTEN to your body’s feedback to determine if you eaten the RIGHT balance of proteins, fats and carbs, and how to make SIMPLE adjustments to your meals when the balance is off.

You’ll learn how to incorporate HEALTHY proteins, fats and carbohydrates into SIMPLE, EASY and TASTY meals that leave you feeling SATISFIED, CRUSH your cravings, INCREASE your energy and BOOST mental clarity.

By the time you’re done, you’ll AUTOMATICALLY be eating delicious, balanced, FAT-BURNING meals that leave you feeling FULL, ENERGIZED and FREE of cravings.

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Step 3: Establish a Practical Plan to Avoid TOXIC Ingredients and Prioritize Eating, CLEAN, NUTRIENT-DENSE, WHOLE FOODS

You’ll understand how to read food labels the RIGHT way. (They can be CONFUSING and DECEPTIVE.)

You’ll learn how to PRIORITIZE eating organic foods on BUDGET.

You’ll discover which organic brands are “LEGIT” and which ones are part of “BIG FOOD” (the food manufacturers masquerading as “health food” providers).

You’ll learn how to make HEALTHY choices when you eat out or travel.

By the time you’re done, you’ll know how to MINIMIZE your exposure to harmful food TOXINS and choose the most DELICIOUS, NUTRIENT-DENSE, CLEAN foods that support losing body fat EASILY, NATURALLY and PERMANENTLY.

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Step 4: Create Your PERSONALIZED 80/20 Plan

You’ll learn how to LET GO of feeling like you have to eat PERFECTLY all the time.

You’ll identify which foods will be in your “20%,” so you can create a REALISTIC and SUSTAINABLE clean-eating lifestyle that allows you to have “TREATS” on occasion.

You’ll learn mindset “hacks” to consume “non-ideal” foods so that they don’t completely SABOTAGE your fat loss goals.

You’ll END the cycle of emotional/stress eating and rollercoaster dieting because you’ll experience the FREEDOM to eat whatever foods you want WITHOUT them having an EMOTIONAL PULL over you.

You’ll learn how to create a SIMPLE, SUSTAINBLE and STRESS-FREE system for weekly meal planning, so you have healthy foods ready to go at all times.

By the time you’re done, you’ll learn how to create a BALANCED, REALISTIC, and SUSTAINABLE healthy eating plan that’s FILLED with foods you ENJOY that doesn't feel like dieting or deprivation - you’ll discover your UNIQUE nutrition plan that works for YOU!

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Here are the Success Materials You Get with the 6-Week Belly Fat Breakthrough:

SIMPLE, EASY and TASTY anti-inflammatory meal plans

Dozens of DELICIOUS recipes

Complete food lists of WHAT to eat & what NOT to eat

DONE-FOR-YOU grocery shopping list template

Meal Planner to help you ORGANIZE and SIMPLIFY weekly meal planning

Success Journal to DISCOVER connections between the foods you’re eating and your symptoms

EASY to follow, weekly action step plans

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Here are a few RESULTS You Can Expect from the 6-Week Belly Fat Breakthrough:

You find your OPTIMAL weight and body size.

You STOP dieting (and counting calories or obsessing over exact portion sizes).

You ELIMINATE cravings and BREAK compulsive/emotional eating habits.

You CLEAR inflammatory-related ACHES and PAINS, brain FOG and FATIGUE.

You eat SIMPLE, EASY and DELICIOUS meals with the most NUTRIENT-DENSE foods.

You make CONNECTIONS between foods and your SYMPTOMS.

You develop BETTER eating habits and a LIFELONG HEALTHY relationship with food.

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Who This Program is For

The 6-Week Belly Fat Breakthrough is for you if you’re ready to have a MAJOR breakthrough with your health, weight, and life, and you meet the following criteria:

You haven't YET achieved and maintained your weight/fat loss goal

You’re 100% COMMITTED to losing your excess belly fat/weight by changing your diet and lifestyle HABITS, NOT by doing another “crash diet”

You’re WILLING to eat mostly WHOLE FOODS in BALANCED proportions for your unique needs (WITHOUT counting calories or obsessing over exact portion sizes)

You’re WILLING to do some weekly meal prep to set yourself up for LONG-TERM SUCCESS

You’re WILLING to identify the SABOTAGING foods that are causing INFLAMMATION and weight GAIN and REMOVE these foods from your diet to achieve and maintain your weight/fat loss goal

You’re 100% OPEN to developing a HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP with food by changing how you THINK and TALK about food

You realize that your MINDSET is 100% responsible for achieving your weight/fat loss goal and you’re WILLING to learn how to make a MINDSET SHIFT to get the RESULTS you want

You THRIVE in an intimate, small-group environment and you’re WILLING to both RECEIVE support and encouragement and GIVE it to others

Who This Program is NOT For

The 6-Week Belly Fat Breakthrough is NOT for you if you’re looking to count calories, obsess about portion sizes or exact grams of proteins, fats and carbs, or you want to eat low-calorie, pre-packaged, nutrient-deficient, processed foods. This program is NOT for you if want a one-size-fits all, cookie-cutter plan that you can easily find for free online.

This is also not for you if...

You’re NOT willing to take FULL responsibility for yourself and you have a tendency to be NEGATIVE, DRAMATIC or BLAME others or outside circumstances for your results

You make EXCUSES as to why you can't get the results you want and you’re NOT willing to STOP this behavior

Your desire to eat the SABOTAGING foods that are causing INFLAMMATION and WEIGHT GAIN OUTWEIGHS your desire to TRANSFORM your health and lose your excess weight/belly fat

You’re NOT willing to do SOME food prep every week

You’re UNWILLING to LET GO of old, negative, self-limiting thought patterns that are HOLDING YOU BACK

You’re NOT willing to be supportive and encouraging of others

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The Program Dates and Times

The 6-Week Belly Fat Breakthrough starts on Wednesday, February 28th and ends on Wednesday, April 3rd. Over the course of 6 weeks, we’ll meet for a total of six sessions.

Here’s the full schedule for the live coaching calls:

Session #1: Wednesday, February 28th at 6pm Eastern

Session #2: Wednesday, March 6th at 6pm Eastern

Session #3: Wednesday, March 13th at 6pm Eastern

Session #4: Wednesday, March 20th at 6pm Eastern

Session #5: Wednesday, March 27th at 6pm Eastern

Session #6: Wednesday, April 3rd at 6pm Eastern

NOTE: If you’re not able to come to some or all of the live coaching sessions, no worries! All coaching sessions will be recorded and available for you to watch at your convenience. If you have questions, you can also email them to me ahead of time, and I’ll answer them on the call.

Why 6 Weeks?

The 6-Week Belly Fat Breakthrough is designed to help you transform your relationship with food and change your lifestyle habits to get LONGTERM RESULTS, and this doesn’t happen overnight. Meeting at regular intervals over a 6-week period not only helps you “keep your head in the game,” but it gives you the time you need to fully embrace and live by the new, healthy changes, thereby setting you up for LONGTERM SUCCESS.

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But Wait, There’s More!

When you sign up for the 6-Week Belly Fat Breakthrough today, you’ll also get these additional bonuses to ensure that you have everything you need to get the BEST results:

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The 6-Week Belly Fat Breakthrough Recipe Book ($47 Value)

You’ll never get bored eating the same foods with over 200 QUICK, EASY, and TASTY recipes.

These SIMPLE, ANTI-INFLAMMATORY meals consist of a healthy balance of DELICIOUS and SATISFYING whole foods that are designed to ELIMINATE inflammation, BALANCE blood sugar and hormones, CRUSH your cravings, and SHED unhealthy body fat.

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The Heal Your Gut Workshop ($297 Value)

An unhealthy gut can lead to CHRONIC INFLAMMATION and EXCESS belly fat. The Heal Your Gut Workshop features the TOP holistic and integrative medicine doctors, where they guide you through a HOLISTIC plan to heal your gut in a SYSTEMATIC way to get to the ROOT of your symptoms so you can ELIMINATE inflammatory belly fat NATURALLY.

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Private Facebook Group ($297 Value)

Get EXCLUSIVE access to a members-only private Facebook group, where you’ll connect with an incredible community of like-minded women who are going to root you on EVERY STEP of the way.

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Why Join Now?

The Fast Action Bonuses are only available when you join NOW.

There are only a LIMITED number of spots available due to small-group format and personal, hands-on nature of program.

I don't know when, or even IF, I’ll offer this program again, but if do, it won’t be until NEXT YEAR and the PRICE will likely GO UP next time.

Why DELAY losing the excess body fat and improving your health, when you can get a plan that WORKS right NOW? Your health is your GREATEST asset, and the longer you keep putting yourself on the back burner, the MORE weight you’re going to GAIN and the WORSE you’re going to feel. You need to ask yourself honestly, what’s it going to COST me if I continue to wait and put off my health needs?

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The Investment for the Program

Reserve your spot for the 6-Week Belly Fat Breakthrough for one payment of $197.

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Who Is Melissa Purington?

Over the last 15+ years, through my Holistic Nutrition and Lifestyle Programs, I’ve helped thousands of people optimize their bodies to eliminate toxins and chronic inflammation, so they can achieve their IDEAL weight and body size, feel more ENERGIZED, think more CLEARY and be FREE of chronic aches and pains.

I’ve combined my personal experience overcoming my own personal health issues with my teaching experience as a classroom teacher, and the knowledge I’ve gained from various advanced holistic health certifications to create programs and a community like no other.

The 6-Week Belly Fat Breakthrough provides you with a practical nutrition and lifestyle plan and support system that uses a natural and holistic approach to help you BREAK your cycles of emotional eating and ELIMINATE chronic inflammation, so you can SHED your excess belly fat SAFELY, EASILY, and PERMANENTLY, and ultimately, be as HEALTHY, HAPPY, and VIBRANT as you can possibly be!

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Frequently Asked Questions

You say I will have your help “personally.” What does that mean?

During every coaching call I’ll be there to evaluate your INDIVIDUAL progress, answer your questions, and offer you PERSONALIZED feedback based on your unique needs. You’ll also have an opportunity to ask any personal questions you have during your one-on-one bonus coaching call.

Will the 6-Week Belly Fat Breakthrough work for me?

Since I don’t know what kind of action you’re going to take once you join, I can’t provide a definite answer to this question. But here’s what I can tell you: The people who follow the plan get stellar RESULTS! (You can see some of the testimonials from people I’ve worked with throughout this page.) Keep in mind that chronic INFLAMMATION is at the ROOT of nearly every health issue including weight GAIN (especially around the belly), LOW energy, brain FOG and CHRONIC aches and pains. If you’re dealing with these specific challenges, following my HOLISTIC, ANTI-INFLAMMATORY approach will help. But you have to DO the work to make changes happen.

I’m really busy. How much time do I have to commit to get results?

Each live coaching session will be 60-90 minutes. You’ll get SIMPLE weekly action step plans to help you stay on track, but you get to decide how much time you want to invest each week. I think it goes without saying - the more you’re willing to invest in yourself, the more you’ll get out of the experience, and the BETTER you’ll feel. I always tell my clients “SLOW progress is better than NO progress.” So, if you’re willing to make even just a few SMALL changes at a time, you’ll get RESULTS.

I have food sensitivities and/or allergies. Will food substitutions be listed?

Yes! Many of the recipes and meal plans are free of the common food allergens like wheat, dairy, eggs, corn, soy, nuts, and sugar. The recipes and meal plans are also adaptable, so you can make substitutions as needed. And if you need help adapting your meal plans, you can always reach out to me and ask for ideas. There are almost always other options.

I don’t like to cook. Is there a lot of food prep?

Preparing your own food is necessary to be successful with this program. This is NOT one of those gimmicky programs where you buy EXPENSIVE, low-calorie, pre-packaged, NUTRIENT-DEFICIENT, processed foods that contain a laundry list of TOXIC and INFLAMMATORY ingredients that you can’t pronounce! This program involves eating REAL, WHOLE, NUTRIENT-DENSE foods, which is the ONLY way to lose your excess body fat in a way that’s HEALTHY, EFFECTIVE and SUSTAINABLE. You’ll get sample meal plans and recipes and you’ll make your own food as part of the plan. The recipes are really SIMPLE, QUICK and EASY. At the very least, you need to commit to SOME weekly meal prep to get the BEST results with the program. The GOOD news is, everything is LAID out for you, so you don't need to think about it. If you’re not willing to do a little food prep, this program won't be a good fit for you.

I’m a picky eater. What if I don’t like the meal plans?

Part of the FUN in participating in the 6-Week Belly Fat Breakthrough is that you get to try new recipes and eat healthy food that actually tastes GOOD! A lot of times people think that eating “healthy” means you have to eat bland, boring foods that are not enjoyable to eat, but that’s NOT the case with the 6-Week Belly Fat Breakthrough plan. You’ll not only get the bonus 6-Week Belly Fat Breakthrough Recipe book, but you’ll also get sample meal plans to follow that consist of simple, easy and tasty meals. In fact, many of the recipes you’ll get are so yummy, you’ll want to keep them in your recipe repertoire. The people who’ve followed my plan often tell me how much they absolutely LOVE the recipes! The meal plans are meant to be adaptable, so if there are foods you don’t like you can easily make substitutions.

What are the meal plans like? Are there vegetarian meal options?

The meal plans consist of a mix of BOTH plant and animal foods like low-glycemic fruits and vegetables, healthy fats and clean proteins. We encourage our participants to include some high-quality animal fats and proteins in their diets to help REGULATE and BALANCE blood sugar and hormones, REDUCE inflammation, MAINTAIN a healthy body weight, and BOOST energy levels. (You’ll learn what “healthy” proteins, fats and carbs are in the program.) It’s important to keep in mind that a solely plant-based diet may NOT actually be appropriate for you. I’ll help you determine which sources of proteins are BEST for you, and how to balance them with the RIGHT amounts of healthy fats and carbohydrates for your unique nutritional needs.

I can’t make the live coaching calls. Will I still benefit?

Yes! All coaching sessions will be recorded and available for you to watch at your convenience. If you have questions, you can email them to me ahead of time, and I’ll answer them on the call.

Will you be offering this program again?

To be honest, I don't know when, or even IF, I’ll offer this program again. But if do, the PRICE will likely GO UP next time. So, if my program is feeling like the right fit, I urge you to take advantage of this opportunity NOW.

I have a question that’s not here. How can I get my question answered?

Just email me at and I’ll personally answer any questions you have.

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I’ve already had HUNDREDS of people use the tools and strategies that I outline in this program with INCREDIBLE success. And I’m just as EXCITED as you are to have YOU become the next success story!

The 6-Week Belly Fat Breakthrough is going to be a very personal, intimate, transformative experience.

I will be personally walking you through the process EVERY step of the way to ensure your success.

I will not only help you redefine your relationship with food, but I’ll also help you transform the relationship you have with yourself, and by the end of the program, you’re going to feel the BEST you’ve felt in a long time! (Maybe even the best you’ve EVER felt.)

I want you to know that I’ve poured my heart and soul into this coaching program - this is the MOST EXCITED I’ve ever been about any program I’ve created.

If you’re ready to take the next step with me, then click the button below. I can’t wait to work with you!

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