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Registration for the 21-Day Belly Fat Detox Ends In...

Want a Simple Plan to Lose Belly Fat Naturally?

Get a done-for-you 21-day plan to BREAK the stress-eating cycle and CLEAR inflammatory toxins from your body, so you can SHED your excess belly fat PERMANENTLY.

What It Means to R.E.S.E.T During the 21-Day Belly Fat Detox

With the 21-Day Belly Fat Detox program, you get a step-by step system to help your body “clean house” by removing hundreds of toxins, reducing chronic inflammation, and ridding your body of excess fat, especially around your belly.

The 21-Day Belly Fat Detox program isn’t just designed to help you lose belly fat and achieve and maintain your ideal weight. It’s also going to help you heal your gut, eliminate your nagging symptoms and reduce your overall disease risk.

With the arrival of a new season, it's the perfect time to reassess your eating and lifestyle habits and give your body the RESET that it needs to eliminate the toxic body fat that’s weighing you down physically, mentally and emotionally.

Here’s what it means to R.E.S.E.T during the 21-Day Belly Fat Detox:

Remove inflammatory foods and food toxins

Eat only anti-inflammatory, nutrient-dense foods

Supplement with detoxification “boosters”

Exercise to stimulate your lymphatic system

Track and celebrate your detox progress

It’s time to STOP stressing about your weight gain and START reclaiming your health.

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I Know What It’s Like to Feel Confused, Overwhelmed and Frustrated!

About 16 years ago, I had my own “health crisis.”

Here’s what was going on with me...

I was TIRED all the time.

I had chronic DIGESTIVE PROBLEMS like constipation, gas, and bloating. (My doctor diagnosed me with “IBS.”)

I had constant ACNE and dry, ITCHY skin.

I had severe BODY ODOR and a SWEATING problem.

I had daily BRAIN FOG - I couldn’t focus at all!

My sleep was constantly DISRUPTED. (I woke up four to five times a night.)

I had CHRONIC hip, back and shoulder PAIN.

I had insatiable CRAVINGS and felt HUNGRY all the time.

I had severe mental/emotional IMBALANCES - I was moody, irritable and depressed.

I had severe PMS.

I got SICK easily with colds every fall and winter.

I was GAINING WEIGHT. (I ranged from being 10-15 pounds over my ideal weight.)

I felt CONFUSED, OVERWHELMED and FRUSTRATED as I desperately tried to figure how to get my health and weight on the right track.

Like you, I’ve tried it all...

Drinking protein shakes

Eating “low-calorie,” “low-fat” and “non-fat” pre-packaged “health” foods and snacks

Counting calories

Cutting out “carbs”

Following exercise DVDs at home and lifting weights at the gym

Working with personal trainers, nutrition practitioners, and naturopaths to get “expert” advice

But despite my best efforts, I didn’t feel any better. In fact, I only felt WORSE.

In all honestly, I felt like a FAILURE.

I desperately wanted a “plan” that would work for me and keep me motivated.

And after many years of struggle, I came to the realization that I had to do something DIFFERENT. I knew that I had to go beyond the stereotypical “health” information that I was learning from the mainstream health and weight loss programs and so-called “experts."

Because I did EVERYTHING they told me to do and NOTHING worked.

So, I decided to take my health in my own hands and learn the TRUTH about holistic health, nutrition, and fitness.

And after getting certified as a Personal Trainer, Holistic Health Coach, Metabolic Typing Nutrition Advisor and Integrative Medicine Health Coach, I finally discovered the pieces I was MISSING and what I was doing WRONG.

Most importantly, I learned how to use a HOLISTIC, ROOT-CAUSE approach to address my health challenges.

I realize now, it WASN'T MY FAULT that I wasn’t seeing results. I was just following BAD information.

I had finally learned the right tools that I needed to turn my health around. But there was a problem…

I was experiencing INFORMATION OVERLOAD!!

Learning all this new information felt like trying to drink water from a fire hydrant. Can you relate?

I didn’t know how to take all of the information I was learning and put it together into an actionable plan. And let’s face it, information is USELESS unless it’s ACTIONABLE!

So, I took what I learned from my advanced certifications, and I extracted the KEY tools and information that I needed to achieve the results I wanted. And over time, I created my own systems to follow.

As a result of using my own systems, I’ve been able to reverse EVERY SINGLE ONE of my health issues.

I feel BETTER now in my forties than I did in my twenties!

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Here’s where I am today...

FULL of energy

NO digestive problems

Cravings and hunger pangs are GONE

CLEAR and radiant skin

Thinking CLEARLY

Sleeping GREAT

NEVER get sick

Body pain is GONE

Hormones are more BALANCED (no more PMS!)

IDEAL body size

I now know that my health issues were related to TOXICITY, INFLAMMATION and EMOTIONAL EATING.

After becoming more educated about the level of toxicity we’re exposed to every day and how it’s affecting us, I started doing a lot of research about the safest, most effective ways to boost our detoxification system naturally.

And I’ve combined my research with the science-based protocols I’ve learned as part of my advanced health coach trainings to create the most comprehensive and holistic detox plan.

My extensive research has helped me come to realize that doing a dedicated detox to cleanse your body periodically is an absolute NECESSITY to be healthy and THRIVE in the toxic world we currently live in - EVEN IF you eat a healthy diet.

Now, I used to believe that by virtue of eating healthier, my body was naturally detoxing, so I thought that I didn't need to do a dedicated detox.

But I have to be completely honest here.

Even though I’ve been eating clean for over 16 years now, I don’t eat 100% perfectly ALL the time.

I DO eat foods that are NOT part of my normal healthy eating plan.

Committing to a dedicated detox at least once a year has helped me personally MAINTAIN my ideal weight and stay SYMPTOM FREE, even though I don’t eat a “perfect” healthy diet.

With my holistic approach to detoxing, I’ve helped hundreds of people achieve their health and weight loss goals.

And I want to help YOU achieve YOUR health and weight loss goals too!

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What Happens During the Detox?

If you’ve never done a whole foods detox before, you might not know what to expect.

And you might be wondering, what happens during the 21 days of the detox?

Well, there are 6 KEY ACTIONS that happen during the dedicated detox process.

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KEY ACTION #1: You SHED Toxic Body Fat and LOSE Weight (Especially Around Your Belly)

Toxins STORE in your fat cells, especially the ones around your belly. (Your body’s very smart and it stores toxins in your fat cells to protect you.) During the 21-Day Belly Fat Detox you’re eating delicious, wholesome, nutrient-dense foods that help DETOXIFY and NOURISH your body. (You’re also eliminating the very foods that are causing the toxicity in the first place.) This detox process helps REMOVE toxins from your body (especially your fat cells) and this allows your body to “let go” of toxic fat safely, easily and permanently, allowing you to achieve your ideal weight.

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KEY ACTION #2: You CRUSH Your Cravings and BREAK Addictive Eating Habits

As part of the detox process, you’re removing the very foods that FEED your cravings, so you STARVE your sugar and caffeine addictions and BREAK those compulsive eating habits. This process leaves you feeling more in CONTROL, instead of feeling like food controls you. And you learn how to develop a LIFELONG, heathy relationship with food.

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KEY ACTION #3: You HEAL Your Gut and BOOST Your Immune System

Holistic health experts say that about 80% of the immune system is housed in the gut. Exposure to toxins causes INFLAMMATION in the gut, which impairs the body’s ability to utilize key nutrients and SUPPRESSES the immune system. An unhealthy gut is basically a recipe for weight gain, sickness and disease! During a dedicated detox, you’re eating super clean foods that are EASY to digest, giving your digestive system a rest, by reducing the work it needs to do to break down foods. This frees up a lot of your ENERGY and resources to be used for important, but not urgent tasks, like REMOVING toxins and harmful bacteria, REBUILDING your gut and your REJUVENATING your immune system.

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KEY ACTION #4: You REBOOT and OPTIMIZE Your Detoxification System

During the dedicated detox process, you’re eating super clean foods, which allows your body to put most of its energy into REMOVING hundreds of toxins, REDUCING chronic inflammation, and REPAIRING damaged cells. This cleansing helps your detoxification system run more EFFICIENTLY when you transition into to a healthy, clean eating lifestyle.

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KEY ACTION #5: You HELP Your Body REPAIR Damaged Cells

The chaotic, radioactive frequencies from microwaves, cells phones, iPads, and TV’s we're bombarded with every day INTERFERE with our bodies electromagnetic system, creating cellular damage. During a healthy detoxification, your body is able to put more of its energy into REPAIRING the damaged cells from radiation toxicity

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Autophagy has to do with leveraging your body’s energy to KILL OFF disease-fighting pathogens. As I mentioned above, during a dedicated detox, you’re eating super clean, EASY to digest foods, and this gives your digestive system a rest, reducing the work it needs to do to break down foods and freeing up a lot of your energy. This not only helps your body to remove toxins, reduce inflammation and repair cells, it also BOOSTS your body’s ability to DESTROY and ELIMINATE the byproducts of aberrant cells. Your cells sometimes have challenges that prevent them from doing their job. And when a cell isn't acting properly, it is called aberrant. We’re talking about cancer cells, bacteria-infected cells, and virus-infected cells, all of which can target the immune system and cause disease. So, cleansing your body helps REDUCE your disease risk.

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What’s SIMPLE, FUN, and EASY About the 21-Day Belly Fat Detox

If you’ve never done my whole food, plant-based detox before, you probably have NO IDEA what to expect and what it’s all about.

So, I’m going to tell you what’s SIMPLE, FUN and EASY about it. And I’m also going to share few things that’s HARD about it, so you can make the most informed decision for yourself.

Here’s what’s FUN and EASY about doing the 21-Day Belly Fat Detox...

Everything is LAID OUT for you: I give you a STEP BY STEP plan to follow – you’ll know exactly what food to eats and what foods to not to eat. Plus, I give you adaptable recipes to create personalized meal plans. And I teach you how to prep your meals for the week, so it will be super EASY to maintain your clean eating meal plan for the 21 days.

You get to eat healthy food that actually tastes GOOD: You’re going to be eating wholesome foods that not only help DETOXIFY and NOURISH your body but they're also delicious. In fact, many of the detox recipes you’ll learn about you’ll want to keep in recipe repertoire because they’re SO tasty!

You’ll NEVER have to be hungry: Unlike many of the dangerous calorie-restrictive diets and extreme liquid cleanses that leave you hungry (and not feeling very good), you’ll be eating nutritious foods that leave you feeling SATISFIED. You’ll EASILY be able to sustain the plan for 21 days.

You’ll NEVER count calories: In fact, I’ll challenge you NOT to count calories. Instead, I’ll encourage you to focus on eating good quality food.

Your cravings GO AWAY: As part of the detox process you’re removing foods that FEED your cravings, so you STARVE your sugar and caffeine addictions and BREAK those compulsive eating patterns. You’ll feel more in CONTROL of food, instead of feeling like food controls you. And you ultimately learn how to develop a lifelong, HEALTHY relationship with food.

You get more IN TUNE with your body: You get to turn yourself into a FUN science experiment, where you’ll learn how to observe yourself for positive and negative feedback to guide your dietary and lifestyle choices. You’ll learn so much about your body and the way in reacts to food. It’s truly an EXCITING and REWARDING experience!

You can bring a buddy: Having a support system is KEY to your success. You can either invite a friend or family member to join you for mutual support or you’re not able to bring a buddy, I can help connect you with another detoxer.

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What Can Be Challenging About the Detox

There are a few things about the 21-Day Belly Fat Detox that can be a little challenging. So let me be totally up front and tell you about the biggest challenges.

You may experience a Herxheimer Reaction: This is when your detoxification system gets clogged up or there’s a “die off” of bag bugs in your gut, and your liver and immune system have a “reaction” to the dying metabolites. Some people experience reactions like headaches, constipation and/or diarrhea, weakness, fatigue, flu-like symptoms, and skin reactions. The GOOD news is, it shows the detox is WORKING for you and your body wants to heal! And it’s only temporary, usually lasting just a few days.

If you’ve gone through chemo you may have a harder time: People who’ve done chemo can benefit from detoxing the most, but they tend to have more Herxheimer Reactions.

You may have caffeine/sugar withdrawals: If you drink a lot of coffee and/or eat a lot of sugar and processed foods, you’re more likely to have mild headaches and/or mood swings at the beginning of the detox.

If you travel a lot the detox will be challenging to follow: I HIGHLY recommend that you start the detox when you can be home for a period of 21 days. It’s difficult to do the program if you’ll be away from home for more than 3 days, and if you are traveling by air plane. If you’re traveling by car and briefly visiting places where you have access to a kitchen, the detox is more do-able.

If you NEVER prepare meals, you may find it’s more work than you’re used to: Preparing your own food is necessary to be successful with the detox. I give you sample meal plans and a bunch of tasty recipes to make your own food. The recipes are really SIMLPE and EASY, and if you’re willing to do a LITLLE extra work, you’ll find it’s well worth it in the end.

If your desire to continue eating junk food OUTWEIGHS your desire to get HEALTHY and feel AMAZING, this will be a very challenging experience!: If you’ve already convinced yourself that you can’t “give” up coffee, sugar and alcohol (or whatever else your “comfort” foods are) for 21 days, then you’re NOT going to be successful. You need to have a STRONG desire to give your body the total health REBOOT that it needs and make the commitment to follow the plan that will allow your body to heal and shed the toxic body fat.

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What You Get

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You’ll get everything you need to succeed. And it’s all laid out for you.

Here’s what your DONE-FOR-YOU detox plan includes:

Simple, tasty and easy Detox Meal Plans

Done-for-you Grocery Shopping Template

Dozens of delicious Detoxifying Recipes

The 21-Day Belly Fat Detox Success Diary to track your progress

Easy-to-follow Action Step Plans

4 LIVE Coaching and Q&A Calls with Melissa

(Note: All coaching and Q&A calls are on Thursdays at 5pm Eastern. Our first call is on Thursday, February 2nd. You can see the full schedule for the live coaching calls under the section "Program Dates and Times" below. If you can’t come to the live calls, no worries! They’ll be recorded, so you can watch them at your convenience.)

What You'll Discover

We’re going to cover a lot of ground in 21 days and you’re going to come out on the other end fitting BETTER in your clothes, feeling more ENERGIZED, and thinking more CLEARLY!

Here’s what you’ll learn:

How to make SIMPLE, EASY and DELICIOUS recipes that help you detoxify, ELIMINATE inflammation and SHED body fat naturally

How to prep your meals for the week, so it’s super EASY to maintain your clean eating meal plan for the 21 days

Which SPECIFIC foods to eat and which foods NOT to eat to support the detox process

SIMPLE, QUICK and EASY meal plans that are customizable, so you can PERSONALIZE your weekly menus

How to make CONNECTIONS between the foods you’re eating and your symptoms

TASTY and NOURISHING foods to eat to crush your cravings, BOOST your energy and have BETTER mental clarity

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When to Detox and When NOT to Detox

If you’re thinking about joining the 21-Day Belly Fat Detox, but you’re not sure if it’s the RIGHT time for you to do a detox, I’m going to address this reservation right now because it’s a legitimate one.

I want to make sure you make the most informed decision for yourself, so let’s talk about when it’s appropriate to do a dedicated detox and when it’s NOT.

When to Do a Dedicated Detox

The reality is, detoxing is necessary for EVERYONE. Even if you eat healthy. Even if you don’t need to lose weight. Here’s why…

First of all, how do you define “eating healthy” may not be what eating healthy is truly about.

If you’re eating conventional meat, eggs and dairy products, grains, alcohol and process foods and you eat out at restaurants, you’re someone who can definitely benefit from a detox.

Now I often hear people say, “I eat so much better than my co-workers, my friends and my family etc.” but just because you’re eating better than the fast-food junkies around you doesn't mean you’re actually eating healthy!

You’re not competing with other people. You’re competing with your own toxicity.

And even if you eat really clean, you’re still BOMBARDED with tons of toxins on a daily basis. Our diet is only ONE source of toxicity.

And even though you can’t avoid all of the toxins you’re exposed to, doing a detox can help REDUCE your toxic load and BOOST your health.

As far as weight is concerned, remember, toxins STORE in your fat cells, especially the ones around your belly. So, by removing toxins, your body naturally LETS GO of this unhealthy, toxic fat.

Even if you don’t need to lose weight, studies show that skinny people can carry fat around their vital organs.

And this kind of VISCERAL FAT is considered more dangerous that the subcutaneous fat stored beneath the skin, because it’s linked to INFLAMMATORY diseases like heart disease, stroke, diabetes, dementia, cancer, and depression.

A healthy detox helps you lose this toxic fat safely, easily and permanently.

Something else to think about is that doing a dedicated detox is one of the BEST acts of self-care.

For 21 days you’ll focus your attention on putting only CLEAN, NUTRITIOUS, and HEALING foods in your body.

And not only that, with my holistic detox plan, you’ll learn to honor your physical, mental and emotional needs through meditative practices, gentle exercise, and healthy sleep rituals.

You’ll feel a weight LIFTED and a sense of FREEDOM because you’ll be PURIFYING yourself of the toxins weighing you down.

Doing a dedicated detox is one of the greatest things you can do to boost your health immediately and for the long-term.

When NOT to Do a Dedicated Detox

Now, as I said before, EVERYONE can benefit from doing a detox, but there are circumstances when it may not be appropriate.

So, let’s talk about when it’s NOT a good fit for you.

If you’re traveling a lot: It’s difficult to do the program if you’ll be away from home for more than 3 days, and if you are traveling by airplane. If you’re traveling by car and briefly visiting places where you have access to a kitchen, the detox is more do-able. But I highly recommend doing the detox when you’re home for 21 days.

If you’re currently sick: If you’re sick or immune-compromised a detox is not for you. During a detox the body stirs up toxins that are tucked in fat cells and other parts of the body to eliminate them. It requires a lot of work for the body to cleanse itself, and this process can leave you feeling fatigued and with flu-like symptoms, which is not helpful to someone who is sick.

If you’re pregnant or nursing: While cleaning up your diet and making healthy lifestyle choices is healthy for a mother and her baby, the 21-Day Belly Fat Detox is not appropriate. You risk transferring stirred up toxins to the baby, there may not enough nutrition on the food plan to feed your baby, and many of the herbal supplements may be unsafe for the baby.

If you’re NOT willing to do the food prep: Preparing your own food is necessary to be successful with the detox. I give you sample meal plans and a bunch of tasty recipes to make your own food. The recipes are really SIMLPE and EASY! But and if you’re not willing to so a little extra work, the program won't be a good fit for you.

If your desire to give your body a good RESET is NOT greater than your desire to continue eating “comfort foods”: An effective cleanse requires removing the very foods that are making you TOXIC in the first place. If you’re not willing to give up toxic foods like coffee, sugar and alcohol (or whatever else your “comfort” foods are) for the 21 days, then the 21-Day Belly Fat Detox is NOT right for you.

The Program Dates and Times

The spring 21-Day Belly Fat Detox starts on Wednesday, June 5th and ends on Wednesday, June 26th.

Here’s the full schedule for the live coaching calls:

Session #1: Wednesday, June 5th at 6pm Eastern

Session #2: Wednesday, June 12th at 6pm Eastern

Session #3: Wednesday, June 19th at 6pm Eastern

Session #4: Wednesday, June 26th at 6pm Eastern

NOTE: If you’re not able to come to some or all of the live coaching sessions, no worries! All coaching sessions will be recorded and available for you to watch at your convenience. If you have questions, you can also email them to me ahead of time, and I’ll answer them on the call.

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But Wait, There’s More!

When you sign up for the 21-Day Belly Fat Detox today, you’ll also get these additional bonuses to ensure that you have everything you need to get the BEST results:

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BONUS #1: 30-Day Post-Detox Meal Plan (Value $39)

I want to help you MAINTAIN the healthy eating habits that you’ve put in place during the detox, so I’m giving you a done-for-you 30-day meal plan to show you exactly WHAT to eat as you transition to clean eating after the detox is over.

You’ll never get bored eating the same foods with these QUICK, EASY and DELICIOUS whole food recipes that are designed to ELIMINATE inflammation, BALANCE blood sugar and hormones and SHED unhealthy body fat.

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BONUS #2: Clean Eating Success Guide (Value $39)

In this comprehensive nutrition guide you’ll get all the tools you need to create a SIMPLE and SUSTAINABLE clean-eating meal plan after the detox ends.

You’ll discover:

SIMPLE food shopping guidelines to AVOID toxic food chemicals

How to PRIORITIZE buying organic foods on a BUDGET

How to read food labels the RIGHT way (they can be CONFUSING and DECEPTIVE!)

HEALTHY and DELICIOUS substitutions for unhealthy “COMFORT foods”

How to prepare, cook and store your food PROPERLY

How to consume coffee and alcohol SAFELY

Tips for eating HEALTHY when you eat out and travel

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BONUS #3: Private Facebook Group ($297 Value)

Get EXCLUSIVE access to a members-only private Facebook group, where you’ll connect with an incredible community of like-minded women who are going to root you on EVERY STEP of the way.

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21-Day Belly Fat Detox Guarantee

I’m here to help you change your health and life for the better. That’s why I invite you to participate for the first 14 days. If you don’t feel I’ve delivered on my promise, I’ll happily refund 100% of your money.

IMPORTANT NOTE: I’ll ask that you share the first 10 days of your complete detox journals (to show that you followed the program consistently) and ask what didn’t work for you (so I can learn and improve the program.) The reason I have this policy in place is because it takes at least the first 10 days to see the full benefits of the program (and work through the initial detox reactions). This deadline also exists because if you sign up for the 21-Day Belly Fat Detox, I want you to get started! If you don’t plan on starting the program right away, but you want to sign up now, I’d love to have you join us. But please make sure this is the right investment for you because the refund policy does have a firm deadline.

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The Investment for the Program

Reserve your spot for the 21-Day Belly Fat Breakthrough for only $97.

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Who Is Melissa Purington?

Over the last 15+ years, through my Holistic Nutrition and Lifestyle Programs, I’ve helped thousands of people optimize their bodies to eliminate toxins and chronic inflammation, so they can achieve their IDEAL weight and body size, feel more ENERGIZED, think more CLEARY and be FREE of chronic aches and pains.

I’ve combined my personal experience overcoming my own personal health issues with my teaching experience as a classroom teacher, and the knowledge I’ve gained from various advanced holistic health certifications to create programs and a community like no other.

The 21-Day Belly Fat Detox provides you with a practical nutrition and lifestyle plan and support system that uses a natural and holistic approach to help you BREAK your cycles of emotional eating and ELIMINATE chronic inflammation, so you can SHED your excess belly fat SAFELY, EASILY, and PERMANENTLY, and ultimately, be as HEALTHY, HAPPY, and VIBRANT as you can possibly be!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Will the 21-Day Detox work for me?

Since I don’t know what kind of action you’re going to take once you join, I can’t provide a definite answer to this question. But here’s what I can tell you: The people who follow the program get stellar results! (You can see some of the success stories from people I’ve worked with throughout this page.) Toxicity and inflammation are at the root of nearly every health issue, so whether you’re looking to lose weight, increase energy, heal your gut, eliminate aches and pains, and/or reverse your autoimmune symptoms, following my 21-Day Belly Fat Detox Plan will help. But you have to DO the work to make changes happen.

I already eat pretty healthy. Can I still benefit from the detox?

If you’re eating conventional meats, eggs and dairy products, grains, alcohol and processed foods, and you eat out at restaurants, you’re someone who can benefit from doing a dedicated detox. Because you’re exposing yourself to harmful toxins in the foods you’re eating. And even if you eat really clean, you’re still bombarded with tons of other toxins on daily basis. Our diet is only one source of toxicity. Even though you can’t avoid all of the toxins you’re exposed to, doing a dedicated detox is an effective approach to help counteract some of the onslaught of damage they’re causing.

I have an autoimmune condition. Can your detox program help?

Yes! During a detox, you lower levels of toxicity, which also means you lower inflammation. (Because inflammation is a response to toxicity.) Lowering inflammation can help reduce, and even eliminate, autoimmune symptoms. So, detoxing can be a highly effective way to alleviate autoimmune conditions.

Is weight loss a likely result of the detox?

Yes, weight loss is a potential result if your body needs to lose weight. Many women store toxins in their subcutaneous fat (the fat that’s stored beneath the skin), especially around the belly. When you detox, you eliminate toxins, so your body lets go of the fat stores that were holding on to these toxins because your body doesn’t need them as a buffer anymore.

But even people who don’t appear to be overweight can store toxic fat. There are many thin people who can carry fat around their vital organs called visceral fat, which is considered more dangerous because it can lead to heart disease, diabetes and stroke. Your body is very smart. Whether you have subcutaneous fat and/or visceral fat, when you eliminate toxins during a detox, your body will release them from wherever they’re being stored.

Will the 21-Day Detox help with my specific health challenges?

Here’s the reality: Toxicity and inflammation are at the root of pretty much every health problem out there. Whether you’re overweight, you’re experiencing bone loss, you have chronic gut issues, your blood sugar levels are out of whack, you have chronic aches and pains in your muscles and joints, you have skin problems, you have high blood pressure, you have autoimmune conditions… the list goes on and on! These are all signs that your body is chronically inflamed and toxic. So, the 21-Day Belly Fat Detox is a good fit for anyone who is looking for a holistic and natural solution to reduce their toxic load and eliminate inflammation to ultimately lose weight (if needed) and reverse inflammation-related health challenges.

I’m really busy. How much time do I have to commit to get results?

You get to decide how much time you want to invest each week. I think it goes without saying - the more you’re willing to invest in yourself, the more you’ll get out of the experience and the better you’ll feel. I always tell my clients “slow progress is better than no progress.” So, if you’re willing to make even just a few small changes at a time, you’ll get results.

Preparing your own food is a necessary to be successful with the program. You’ll get recipes and sample meal plans, and you’ll make your own food as part of the plan. With that said, the recipes are really simple, quick and easy. At the very least, you need to commit to some weekly meal prep to get results with the program.

I have food sensitivities and/or allergies. Will food substitutions be listed?

All of the recipes are plant-based and they don’t contain any of the common food allergens like wheat, dairy, eggs, corn, soy, nuts, and sugar. The recipes and meal plans are also adaptable. We have a lot pf people in our community who have food sensitivities or have specific dietary restrictions, so I do my best to offer alternatives. And if an ingredient substitution is not listed, you can always reach out to me and ask for ideas. There are always other options.

I don’t like to cook. Is there a lot of food prep?

Preparing your own food is a necessary part of the detox. You’ll follow recipes and make your own foods as part of the plan. The recipes are really simple and easy, but if you NEVER prepare meals, you may find it’s more work than you’re used to. If you’re not willing to do some food prep, the program won't be a good fit for you.

I’m a picky eater. What if I don’t like the meal plans?

Part of the fun of doing the detox is you get to try new recipes and eat food that actually tastes GOOD! A lot of times people think that eating clean means you have to eat bland, boring foods that are not enjoyable to eat. But I’ve created a recipe book that consists of simple and easy meals that are really yummy. In fact, many of the detox recipes you’ll learn about are so tasty, you’ll want to keep all these recipes in your repertoire. You’ll actually enjoy eating the foods as part of your 21-Day Detox Meal Plan. Our detoxers absolutely love the recipes!

What are the meal plans like?

The 21-Day Belly Fat Detox meal plan has two phases: In the first phase (days 1-10), you’ll eat plant-based proteins, fat and carbs. The whole food smoothie recipes include tasty and nourishing ingredients like berries, flax seeds, hemp seeds, flax seed oil, avocado, coconut milk, sunflower butter, fresh leafy greens and various detoxifying spices. They’re not only satisfying, but they’re really yummy and you can customize them to your liking. The plant-based dinners include ingredients like low-glycemic veggies, quinoa, lentils, green beans and peas, avocado, butter, ghee, coconut oil, flaxseed oil, olive oil, pumpkin seeds, pumpkin seed butter, sunflower seeds, sunflower seed butter and chia seeds.

In the second phase (days 11-21) of the nutrition plan, you follow the same principles, but you can add light proteins like poultry (chicken and turkey), if you choose. You’ll have a whole meal plan of simple, easy and delicious recipes to choose from for each phase of the detox.

When does the program start? When are the Coaching and Q&A Calls?

We officially start the program with our first coaching and Q&A call on Wednesday, October 26th at 6pm Eastern. During this first coaching call, we’ll review the details of the program and how to get started. All of the detox success materials will be conveniently available to you online. There will be a total to four coaching calls and all calls with be on Wednesdays at 6pm Eastern. You can see the full program schedule above under the section “Program Schedule.”

I can’t make the live coaching calls. Will I still benefit?

Yes! All coaching sessions will be recorded and available for you to watch at your convenience. If you have questions, you can email them to me ahead of time, and I’ll answer them on the call.

What if I can’t start the detox right away? Can I start whenever I want?

Yes! You can start whenever it works best for you. Since all of the program success materials are conveniently available to you online, you have the flexibility of accessing them any time you want and starting the program when it works best with your schedule.

What if I feel the program isn’t right for me? Can I get a refund?

We offer a 14-day money back guarantee. If you’ve given the program an honest effort and followed the suggested actions but you don’t feel the program is helping you, we’ll happily offer you a full refund. But we do ask that you share at least phase one (the first 10 days) of your detox journals to show that you actually followed the program consistently. The reason we have this policy in place is because it takes at least a full week to see the full benefits of the program (and work through the initial detox reactions). So, if you’re willing to put in the effort, you really have nothing to lose!

I have a question that’s not here. How can I get my question answered?

Just email me at and I’ll personally answer any questions you have.

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I’ve already had HUNDREDS of people use the tools and strategies that I outline in this program with INCREDIBLE success. And I’m just as EXCITED as you are to have YOU become the next success story!

The 21-Day Belly Fat Detox is going to be a very FUN and REWARDING experience.

I'll be personally walking you through the process EVERY step of the way to ensure your success.

By the end of the program, you'll have a new, HEALTHY relationship with food, and you’re going to feel the BEST you’ve felt in a long time! (Maybe even the best you’ve EVER felt.)

If you’re ready to take the next step with me, then click the button below. I can’t wait to work with you!

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